The Firefox version of the search-data page, available from the "Firefox only" button of index.html, shows the available information for over 4000 strains represented by 16S rRNA sequences, much of which cannot be shown in the phylogenetic tree owing to space limitation. The data are represented in 15 fields.

For web browsers other than Firefox, the search function will only work for less than 1000 sequences; if you are employing a different browser, please use the alternative version, available from the "All browsers" button of index.html. That version contains the strain data for only 700 taxa, but the same fields as the Firefox version.

Using the search function is quite simple.

The strain data are presented in columns. Type or paste a search expression in the relevant search box, multiple boxes may be used sequentially or simultaneously; records that do not contain the term(s) are hidden, the positive records remaining visible. When finished, delete the expression with the ′Reset′ button to re-show the whole table.

The search term is case insensitive, and may be a whole or partial word. Thus (taking the generic name Gloeobacter as an example):
′gloeob′, ′gloeobacter′ or ′Gloeobacter′ (without the tick marks) find all strains of the genus, whereas ′gloeo′ finds additional genera such as Gloeothece, Gloeocapsa... whose name starts with that term. In order to search for a specific epithet, it is necessary to type the generic name in full, followed by the species name; the same rules as above apply, thus ′Gloeobacter v′ will find all strains of Gloeobacter violaceus.

The number of records found after searching and the total number (over 700 or 4000 or ) are available from the ′re-initialize′ button. The number found will automatically update with additional sequential searches; thus ′gloeo′ finds 82 records, ′gloeob′ finds 20, ′gloeobacter v′ finds 7, ′axenic′ (in the ′purity′ search box) recovers 2, and ′7421′ (′strain′ search box) only 1. Typing ′ahom′ in the taxon name box resets the count to 10 by finding all members of the genus Ahomia. You may facultatively reset the counts to full with the ′re-initialize′ button after using the ′Reset′ button. Note that these numbers may change with time.

Some columns (e.g. author and journal) require a great deal of vertical space, thereby expanding many lines containing strain data. One or both column(s) may be hidden if desired, using the appropriate checkbox; they remain searchable even if hidden.

The results may be printed via the ′print′ option of the browser; landscape and tabloid paper size are best for this wide table. Even if the page has been scrolled, the search box and search term are visible in the printed version. In contrast, the hidden column(s) are not printed.

Please note that the accession number of Microcystis sp. 0824 is given as BD&&00000000, because the first 4 letters are recognized as illegal by our web host; the 2 && characters should be replaced by SM if the accession is needed.